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SAHGB ‘Future Heritage’ Conference 2025

  • Adam House Lecture Theatre 3 Chambers Street Edinburgh (map)


What does architectural heritage mean in the mid-2020s?

This two-day SAHGB conference, supported by Docomomo-International and Docomomo-Scotland, will explore the idea of ‘future heritage’. Taking place on 12 and 13 June in Edinburgh and aimed at historians, conservation professionals, students and the interested public, it will draw on current and recent research and practical projects, especially within Central Scotland, to consider themes including energy and sustainability, gender and inclusion, and the heritage value of mass housing and recent architecture.

There will be a keynote lecture by Professor Ola Uduku (Roscoe Chair of Architecture, University of Liverpool). The papers and discussion will allow attendees to share ideas and to define new agendas.

Registration will include tea and coffee on both days, a drinks reception on 12 June and lunch on 13 June; attendees should make their own travel and accommodation arrangements. Optionally on 14 June, a walking tour of Edinburgh heritage will be offered.


  • Dr. Moa Carlsson (Lecturer in Architectural Design; Chair of conference)

  • Dr. Alistair Fair (Reader in Architectural History, and Programme Director of the MA Architectural History and Heritage)

  • Prof. Miles Glendinning (Professor of Architectural Conservation, and Director of the Scottish Centre for Conservation Studies)

Hosted by the Scottish Centre for Conservation Studies, University of Edinburgh.

Registration will open in spring.

22 May

Mark Girouard and the History of the Irish Country House