Oral History of British Architectural Historians
An Oral History of British Architectural Historians was launched by the SAHGB in 2018. Project aims are three-fold: to document the work of historians of British architecture in all their professional contexts (including higher education, heritage, and those whose interest is independent of their professional background or education); to record the life stories of architectural history practitioners who have worked in Britain and/or who cover subjects related to Britain or its former empire and current commonwealth; and to expand our understanding of the development of British architectural history as a discipline. Shortlisted interviewees are prioritised by age and, where relevant, state of health.
The project provides an opportunity for architectural historians to talk at length about their studies, contemporaries, professions and institutions, including their association with the SAHGB. The interviews are intended as ‘life stories’, spanning many hours and undertaken over several sessions, allowing for an individual’s life and work to be located in their social and cultural contexts. Early or leading members of the Society have reflected on the development of the Society and the professionalisation of the discipline.
The audio and abstracts of all interviews are deposited with the British Library and will be fully accessible online when the BL’s new listening platform launches in 2022/23. The catalogue entries for completed interviews can be found by searching ‘C1804’ in here
Jake Bransgrove
Albert Aguilar Brenchat
Mary Chisolm
Geraint Franklin
Tom Goodwin
Elain Harwood
Josh Mardell
Elizabeth McKellar
Stephen Parnell
Alan Powers
Pete Smith