The Architectural History Podcast

Discover histories of architecture and the built environment from different periods and places with expert academics, architects, and heritage professionals. You can listen to our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. Our podcasts are produced by Front Ear Podcasts.

The Architectural History Podcast mini-series: Architecture and Media

In this mini-series we discuss architecture and media, with episodes themed around different mediums from printed periodicals to the internet. Each episode we speak to academics, critics and broadcasters about the relationship between architecture and media.

The Architectural History Podcast mini-series: Constructing Coloniality

This mini-series of the Architectural History podcast marks the 2023 SAHGB conference, Constructing Coloniality: British Imperialism and the Built Environment.

We speak to researchers who work on empire and architecture, to give a sense of the topics and methodological debates addressed by the 2023 SAHGB conference.

The conference took as its theme the coloniality of architecture and heritage in relation to the British Empire, from the early years of expansionism and the escalation of the slave trade in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, through the physical and political force wielded in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the development of racial capitalism, to the subsequent and ongoing struggles for independence, freedom and justice.

The Architectural History Podcast: Architecture and…

The first series of the podcast deals with histories of architecture and the built environment.

In this series, called Architecture and… we speak to a number of academics, architects, writers and thinkers to discuss space, buildings and cities, to think through contemporary debates and issues.