Who we are

Our origins

The Society was established in 1956 after a suggestion by the American architectural historian, Turpin C Bannister, to Frank Jenkins, a British architect and scholar who had gone to work with Bannister at the University of Illinois. Initially conceived of as a chapter of the American Society of Architectural Historians (of which Bannister had been a founder-member in 1940), it was determined in 1956 that the British Society would be autonomous. We are currently developing a new section of the website to allow you to explore our history and the history of the discipline in the UK. The Society’s founders were largely architects, academics and curators. Early and active members included Sir John Summerson, Sir Howard Colvin, Dorothy Stroud, Helen Rosenau, Christopher Hussey, John Gloag, Bruce Allsopp and William A Singleton, the latter of the Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies, York, which became the unofficial home of the Society. Though the early years of the Society were male-dominated, women have made - and continue to make - a significant contribution to our society and the discipline and we also hope to draw greater attention to this over the coming months and years.

All Places, All Periods, All Welcome

Today we are the leading subject and professional association for architectural history and architectural historians in all their professional contexts (including higher education, heritage and practice), and we are the leading forum for lifelong learning for all with an interest in the history of the built environment. Our members and their interests cut across periods and borders - our work has a global reach. To find out more click here.

Inclusive, Representative, Creative

Our work is informed by our shared values and principles. We aim to be agile, transparent and inclusive; we embrace and seek to foster a diverse membership and discipline representative of wider society; and we try to be collaborative and creative in problem-solving, programming and fostering partnerships with other organisations in our sectors. As a registered charity, we rely on subscriptions from our members, as well as donations, legacies and grants from charitable trusts. To join and support our work click here.

The SAHGB is a charitable company (a 'company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital'), registered in England and Wales with company no. 810735. It is also registered as a charity in England and Wales, no. 236432. Its registered office is 70 Cowcross Street, London, EC1M 6EL. This link provides the latest set of Annual Accounts, presented with an annual report of the Society’s activities.

Its Constitution is contained in its Articles of Association. It is run and overseen by an Executive Committee, who also serve as trustees of the charity, elected by the members annually at the General Meeting. This file displays the Governance structure of the SAHGB.

President: Prof Elizabeth McKellar

Chair: Dr Elizabeth Darling

Honorary Secretary: Dr Doreen Bernath

Treasurer: Luca Jellinek

Editor, Architectural History: Dr Emily Mann

Editor, The Architectural Historian: Hiba Alobaydi

Education Officer: Dr Luca Csepely-Knorr

Communications Officer: Tian Pan

Programmes Officer: Dr Stephen Gage

Website Officer: Edward Walker

Podcast Officer: Dr Jessica Kelly

Administrator: Guy Marshall Brown

Click here to learn more about how you can get involved with our work.

Practical Information

Dr Ann-Marie Akehurst

Dr Doreen Bernath

John Cattell

George Entwistle

Dr Alistair Fair

Dr Laura Fernandez Gonzalez

Tanvir Hasan

The Board of Trustees

Honorary Patrons

The governance arrangements agreed at the 2021 EGM included the creation of a new body, The SAHGB Council. This group of eminent experts in our field and allied architectural disciplines is led by the President and is intended to help advise us as well as to advocate for architectural history and heritage in the public realm.

Professor Emeritus Malcolm Airs OBE, Oxford University (Past President)

Mr Bob Allies OBE, Allies and Morrison & British School at Rome

Professor Gary Boyd, Queen’s University, Belfast

Ms Gillian Darley OBE, author & journalist

Ms Helen Dorey MBE, Deputy Director, Sir John Soane's Museum

Professor Murray Fraser, Professor of Architecture and Global Culture, University College, London (Past Chair)

Professor Miles Glendinning, University of Edinburgh

Dr Liz Green, Senior National Curator Wales, National Trust

Mr Richard Griffiths, Richard Griffiths Architects

Mr Edwin Heathcote, Financial Times & The Cosmic House

Dr Olivia Horsfall Turner, Senior Curator Architecture and Design, Victoria & Albert Museum

Professor Emeritus Maurice Howard OBE, Sussex University (Past President)

Professor Emerita Deborah Howard, Cambridge University (Honorary Patron)

Sir Donald Insall CBE, Donald Insall Associates (Honorary Patron)

Professor Emeritus Neil Jackson, Liverpool University (Past President)

Dr Anna Keay OBE, Director, Landmark Trust

Dr Deborah Mays, Head of Listing, Historic England

Mr Charles O’Brien, Series Editor Buildings of England

Sir Charles Saumarez Smith CBE, Royal Academy of Arts

Mr Matthew Slocombe, SPAB, Secretary of the Joint Committee of the National Amenity Societies

Professor Leslie Topp, Birkbeck, University of London

Professor Ola Uduku, Liverpool University

Dr Diane Watters, Historic Environment Scotland & Edinburgh University

Professor Jianfei Zhu, Newcastle University

The SAHGB Council

Bridget Cherry

Eileen Harris

Prof. Deborah Howard

Sir Donald Insall

Frank Kelsall

Alistair Rowan

Prof. Andrew Saint

Prof. David Walker

Lady Sandra Wedgwood

Our Donors and Benefactors

Prof. Malcolm Airs

H. B. Allen

Allies & Morrison

Timothy Brittain-Catlin

Graham Child

S. Evans

Prof. Maurice Howard

Lily Jencks

James Morris

John R. Murray

Allan Murray - Jones

Barnsbury Charitable Trust

The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust

The Drake Trust

The Ernest Cook Trust

The Follett Trust

Thriplow Charitable Trust

The Arnold Hayward Stevenson Educational Trust Fund

The Right Honourable, The Lord Lloyd-Webber

The Duke and Duchess of Wellington Charitable Trust

David Young

The late Geoff Brandwood

The late E. E. Mary Cosh

The late Annabel Ricketts

The late Jonathan Vickers

and many other members and supporters, past and present.