Donations and Bequests
“Without financial support from the SAHGB it would have been impossible for me to undertake a PhD and I would never have had the opportunity to forge a curatorial career. My thesis comprised a monographic study of Nostell Priory near Wakefield, for which there survives a larger corpus of architectural drawings than any other property within the National Trust portfolio. The experience and expertise I gained during my PhD were the key to my first appointment at Sir John Soane’s Museum as Catalogue Editor in 2010.”
— Dr Frances Sands, Curator of Drawings and Books, Sir John Soane’s Museum, London
Your donations inspire and nurture the next generation of architectural historians, and help to support the discipline in higher education, heritage and practice. Donations directly support our PhD Scholarships and fund free places for students and early-career professionals at conferences and study days. They assist established scholars with grants for research and publication and celebrate excellence with our renowned awards and prizes.
The SAHGB is a voluntary organisation. As volunteers, we are driven by our mutual passion to inspire and encourage knowledge and learning in the history of architecture and heritage buildings for everyone. As an independent registered charity, we rely upon subscriptions, donations and legacies as well as grants from charitable trusts. We have no fixed office or overheads and we ensure that operating costs, paid for from subscriptions, are kept to a minimum. Every penny you donate goes to our charitable activities.
We would not be able to do the work we do or to grow and develop without the generous and continued financial support of you, our members. Any donation, however small, is extremely welcome. If you are able to make a Gift Aid declaration, this increases the amount we receive at no cost to you.
Bequests and Gifts in Memory
Bequests have played a vital role in allowing the Society to expand its activities, and in particular to provide funding for those in higher education. In 2007, thanks to a substantial bequest from the estate of one of our members, the historic house specialist Jonathan Vickers, we established a programme of PhD Scholarship funding. These awards are now at the heart of the Society’s commitment to foster academic excellence by supporting talented individuals and nurturing the next generation of architectural historians.
We are committed to maintaining and expanding this programme of academic support creating a more inclusive and diverse discipline. We believe there should be no barriers to students wishing to pursue further study in the history of the built environment. Our scholars have gone on to take up prestigious lectureships and curatorships at leading institutions internationally and to carry out significant work in the wider heritage sector. Dr Horatio Joyce, for example (pictured above with another of our scholars, Dr Sydney Ayers), has recently been awarded a prestigious Andrew W Mellon Curatorial Fellowship at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, cataloguing architectural collections in the Drawings Department.
If you are thinking of leaving a gift or a gift in memory, we’d be happy to talk to you about the different ways in which you could help the Society. Please feel free to contact us if you are thinking of giving in this way. There’s no need to tell us, but if you or your solicitor wish to discuss any aspect of a bequest, again, please feel free to let us know. It may be helpful to know that the Society's full name is the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain and it is Registered Charity no. 236432 in England and Wales. In April 2012, to encourage charitable giving, the government introduced an inheritance tax break for people who leave more than 10 per cent of their estate to charity.
We thank you warmly for your generosity and support.
One-Time Gift
Thanks to our Supporters Past and Present
As well as a substantial bequest from the estate of Jonathan Vickers, the Arnold Hayward Stevenson Educational Trust Fund, and contributions from our members and English Heritage, our educational activities (including the PhD Scholarships) have been generously supported by the Barnsbury Charitable Trust, the D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust, the Drake Trust, the Ernest Cook Trust, the Follett Trust, the Thriplow Charitable Trust, CHK Charities Limited, and the Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation. The Society is most grateful for this support.
Header image ©Sir John Soane’s Museum, London