Get Involved
How to Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved in our work. We are open and inclusive. We encourage diverse perspectives on our work. The strength of our work relies on members and professionals volunteering their time. We benefit from your knowledge, experience, and skills.
Formal opportunities - in particular for specific officer roles and trusteeships - will be advertised through member communications and on the Opportunities page on this site as they arise. However if you have an idea or area of our work you would like to get involved with, please get in touch. Email us: info@sahgb.org.uk.
How We Work
Our operations are delivered by a Management Team led by the Secretary and supported by 4 standing committees:
Finance, Membership and Management
Learning, Education and Research
Digital Content and Communications
Journal and Awards Management
Co-option onto these committees and their sub-committees is at the discretion of the Secretary and Committee chairs. We welcome members, professionals and students with relevant experience in these areas.
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
In addition we have recently established a number of networks based around protected characteristics as defined by the Equalities Act. Our discipline has much to do to diversify and we hope these networks will foster an atmosphere of greater equality and inclusivity. The networks are:
Women Architectural Historians’ Network (Convenor: Dr Rosamund Lily West, Research Fellow, UCL)
LGBTQIA+ Network (Convenors: Christiane Buxton, University of York, Dr Ewan Harrison, Manchester School of Architecture)
Race and Ethnicity Network (Convenor: vacant)
Disability Network (Convenor: vacant)
Convenors of these networks sit on our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) Sub-Committee. The Secretary is the ED&I Champion at Executive Committee level. Please email diversity@sahgb.org.uk if you’d like to learn more about our networks and work in ED&I.
We have also recently established an MA Course Convenors Network. If you and/or your institution participate in postgraduate teaching in architectural history and cognate disciplines, please get in touch to learn more.
Please email info@sahgb.org.uk if you would like to get involved.