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A Study Day to West Horsley Place, Surrey

Please note that this event is now fully booked (6 October 2023)

You will receive information about your place shortly.

This fascinating study day is hosted at West Horsley Place, Surrey, courtesy of the West Horsley Place Trust.

This relatively unknown gem is not usually open to the public. The house is multi-phase with significant remains of a large medieval timber-framed building, concealed by a brick front of the mid-seventeenth century characteristic of Surrey’s style. It has been altered on several occasions but its architectural history is still relatively poorly-understood. Attenders will have an opportunity to see the whole of the house, led by Charles O’Brien, author of the recently-revised ‘Pevsner’ for Surrey and SAHGB Council member; Martin Higgins, chair of Surrey’s Domestic Buildings Research Group; and with contributions by Claire Gapper.

A sandwich lunch along with tea/coffee and cakes are included.


The visit to West Horsley Place will include several sets of stairs.

Weather permitting, attendees able to access the roof areas safely may have the option to explore this part of the house at their own risk.

Bookings now closed

Calling SAHGB Members!

We will publish details in our newsletter, and online, of our 2023 AGM and linked Q+A Event on the future of the RIBA Collections in November. Please register for these if you wish to attend. We will be sending subscription renewal alerts in December, but you can use the ‘Renew Now’ form to carry on with your membership to the end of 2024 if desired.

12 October

Seminar: The Noisy Landscape - Modernism at Heathrow, with Professor Mark Crinson

19 October

Imagining an Inclusive Architectural History: A Roundtable Celebrating the SAHGB’s ED&I Networks