Book supported by SAHGB Publication Grant wins major prize

A book supported by a publication grant from the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain has won the 2024 Architectural Book of the Year Award for Typology. The Architectural Book of the Year Awards are organised by the World Architecture Festival, The Worshipful Company of Chartered Architects and the Temple Bar Trust.

The book, Housing Atlas: Europe – 20th Century, was co-authored by an international team of four leading scholars: Orsina Simona Pierini from the Politecnico di Milano, Carmen Espegel from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Dick van Gameren from Delft University of Technology and Mark Swenarton from the University of Liverpool. It documents a wide range of housing projects, both familiar and unfamiliar, presenting them in some 700 beautiful new drawings, together with project descriptions and interpretive essays.

Funding to support the large-format volume, published by Lund Humphries, was generously provided by the SAHGB as well as Delft University of Technology, the University of Liverpool, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Politecnico di Milano.

The judges’ citation for Housing Atlas: Europe – 20th Century states:

‘An important book on architectural history, given its prescient selection of 87 projects from across Europe in the 20th century, and beautiful production (including specially drawn plans, sections and elevations to standard scales). It encourages proper understanding (not glossing over their faults) of some very sophisticated works of architecture (some less so), including their relationship to programme and place.’

The award ceremony took place on 10th December 2024 in Sir Christopher Wren’s Temple Bar, adjacent to St Paul’s Cathedral in London.

Housing Atlas: Europe – 20th Century was also one of the five titles selected for the Architecture Foundation Book Week 2024. For more information and Mark Swenarton’s talk, see

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