The Society of Architectural
Historians of Great Britain

The Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain brings together all those with an interest in the history of the built environment – academics, architects, heritage experts and the wider public. As the leading body in the field, we believe that appreciation of architectural history plays a vital role in understanding our culture, past and present. With the help of our members, we publish new research, organise a broad range of events, provide educational opportunities and advance the understanding of the built histories of all periods and places, in Britain and beyond.


All places, all periods, all welcome

With a wide remit and a diverse membership, we are open to everyone with an interest in the built environment, wherever they come from and whatever their area. As the leading body in the area, this inclusive mandate is reflected across all our funding and educational support, publications, events and awards.

Architectural History Diary

We are now running hybrid seminars and face-to-face visits and study days. Please see our ‘What’s On’ calendar and pages to register for these events.

If you would like to advertise calls for papers, suitable external vacancies, or other events, please email with information and, importantly, images or logos that you give us permission to use freely on our website.

What’s On